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"The Bat Who Could not Fly"

       It is the story as like Narative text
I make the story under the title"The Bat Who Could not Fly", it is very interesting if you want to read my story and If  you want to know about my story you can read it. I hope it can becomes reference to the reader. If I have mistake in my writting, please give some suggestions for me, in order I will know about my mistake in structure of english language, because according to me, we can study from our mistake to be succesfull, we are human being, in this world No Body is perfect.


"The Bat Who Could not Fly"
      Many years ago, there was an animal. The name was Bat. The Bat lived in a Cave. He always looked for food at night, because He was nocturnal animal. When he felled hungry in the morning. He tried to looke for food. Then, He arrounded the forest. At that moment, He Flew to banana tree. When he looked for food in banana tree, suddenly his friends came, and call him. He said" Hai, ugly bat what are you doing in here?"
and then He answered"I am looking for food.", His friends said"Hay, please you give me food, because I am hungry." He answered"No, I dont want to give my food for you." then, His friends said"If you dont want to give your food for me, I will box you." He answered"Okay, I am not afraid with you, lest we fight."
(They were figthing). They fall down, because theirs wing were broken. They could not fly forever. finally they were pass away.



*My Research*

Kegiatan saat melakukan Research yang berjudul "The Influence of Garbage to The Society"
I was doing my research at Borobudur Temple. I make a research under the title "The Influence of Garbage to The Society", because I want to know about how can the society to overcome the garbage. Actually garbage not only gives bad effect but also it can gives good effect for our life. If we want to use garbage to be better, it will improve our economical.



I.   Judul : Pembuatan Tape Ketan
II. Tujuan:Untuk Bahan Praktek IPA


A. Alat – alat Yang Digunakan :
                        ^_^ Tungku
ð Untuk menanak / memasak ketannya
                        ^_^ Panci
ð Untuk wadah pada saat ketannya dimasak
                        ^_^ Kayu Kelapa
ð Untuk dijadikan kayu bakar
                        ^_^ Korek Api
ð Untuk menyalakan api
                        ^_^ Daun Pisang
ð Untuk tempat / wadah pada saat ketannya sudah masak atau matang
                        ^_^ Mangkok besar (beserta tutupnya)
ð Untuk menyimpan ketannya selama 3hari
^_^ Bak Kecil
ð Untuk tempat merendam ketannya

B. Bahan – bahan Yang Digunakan :
                        -Ketan 1 Kg
                        -Air putih
                         -Pewarna makanan

C. Langkah – langkah ( cara kerja ) :
=> Cuci beras ketannya hingga bersih sekali
=> Lalu letakkan beras ketannya ke dalam bak kecil
=> Setelah itu, rendamlah beras ketannya
=> Dan rendamlah beras ketannya selama 1hari 1malam
=> Setelah di rendam, cucilah kembali beras ketan tersebut, agar bersih lagi
=> Lalu letakan beras ketannya ke dalam panci
=> dan tunggulah hingga 1 ½ jam (proses pemasakan ketan)
=> setelah itu letakkan ketannya di atas daun pisang
=> Tunggulah ½ jam untuk mendinginkan ketannya tersebut           
=> setelah dingin berilah / campurkan dengan ragi
=> Lalu letakan kedalam mangkok besar dan tutup hingga rapat
=> simpanlah tape ketannya selama 3hari
=> Tunggulah hasil hingga 3hari
=> Lalu setelah 3hari. Bisa disajikan

Dalam proses fermentasi ini mengunakan bakteri Sacharomyces cereviceae. Bakteri ini bereaksi pada saat tidak ada oksigen. Bakteri ini mengubah rasa tape menjadi asam dan terasa hangat jika dimakan karena pada proses fermentasi ini terdapat kandungan Co2(karbondioksida).