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Hello friends how are you today?
I hope you are fine amin.
Two days ago I got a duty from my english teacher about the question of narrative text.
Now, I have finished it. I hope you will read the question and also it will be usefull for you.
You can give me comment for my writting skill, if I have mistakes I appologize to you all.
Thanks for you'r attantion. :) :) :)

       Let’s do it  carefully!
Read the story before you answere the question!
        The following text is for questions  1 to 5
                                                                               Sendang Sani Legend
                    Once upon a time, Sunan Kalijaga in Pati, Central Java. He asked his friends ki Rangga to go with him. Several servants also joined them to carry their luggages, and they began walking to Sunan Muria’s house.
                     Several hours later Ki Rangga felt tired. He was embarrassed to walk together with Sunan Kalijaga, because Sunan Kalijaga did’nt look tired while Ki Rangga was very tired and thirsty. Finnaly, Sunan Kalijaga asked Ki Rangga to take a rest under a big tree. It was time for the Dzuhur prayer, but there was not water around to clean up or ‘wudu’ Ki Rangga was confused. He told Sunan Kalijaga about it. Sunan Kalijaga only smiled and said, “We should pray for Allah SWT for  water. Now, you must guard this big tree, Ki Rangga. It might bring water to us, but remember! Everything happens, because Allah SWT. Don’t act alone. You must inform  me when water comes out. I will be behind that hill.” Ki Rangga promised Sunan Kalijaga to inform him when the water came out. So Sunan Kalijaga went behind the hill. Ki Rangga with his Servants set under the big tree. They quuickly fell a sleep. Suddenly, water came out of the big tree. They drank and played in the water. Ki Rangga forgot Sunan Kalijaga’s message to inform him when  the water came out. 
                      Behind the hill Sunan Kalijaga was worried. So he went to the big tree. He was surprised to see Ki Rangga and his servants were playing  in the water, “You forgot my message to inform me when the water comes out. Instead  you are playing  in the water is like a turtle,” said Sunan Kalijaga, softly. A miracle happened. Ki Rangga and his servants turned into turtles. Ki Rangga was sad. He had changed into turtles, because he did’nt keep his promissed. The water formed a pond. It’s now called Sendang Sani, in Pati Central Java. Many people still visit Sendang Sani now.
The Questions!
1.Where was Sunan Kalijaga, when the water came out?
           a. Under a big tree 
           b. In Pati Central Java 
           c. Sunan Muria’s house
           d. Behind the hill
2.Why did Ki Rangga and his servants become turtle?
            a. Because, they promised to keep their secret                          c. Because, they forgot to go to the big tree
            b. Because, they disobeyed  Sunan Kalijaga’s message            d. Because, they love playing  in the water

      3. “The water formed  a pond”
          The underlined word means ...
              a. Turned into                 c. Brought about
              b. Took a way                 d. Looked after
       4. What can we learn from the story above?
              a. Don’t so happy playing in water       c. Don’t break your promise 
              b. Obey the old people’s rules               d. Keep your self happy in bad situation
       5.  Who drank and played in the water?
               a. Ki Rangga and his servants               c. Sunan Kalijaga
               b. Sunan Kalijaga’s family                     d. Ki Rangga’s son
Read the story before you answere the question!
        The following text is for questions 6 to 8
                 One day a man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers. He wanted  to send it to his mother  who lived far in another town  through a delivery company.  At the same moment he was looking at sad young girl who was sitting in front of the flower shop. He asked her what was wrong and she replied, “I wanted to buy a red rose  for my  mother , but my money is not enough.”
         The man smiled and said “Come  on in with me I’ll buy  a rose for  you.”  He bought a rose for the girl and ordered for his own  mother flowers too.
                 After buying a rose flower for the girl the man offered the girl  a ride to her house. She said “Yes, please!  You can take me to my mother.”  She directed him to a cemetery. The girl placed the rose on her  mother’s fresh grave. Knowing  the girl’s mother  had died the man realized that he must show his love to his mother while she was still alive. Then the man returned to the flower shop. He cancelled the flower delivery order picked up the rose flower and drove to reach his mother’s house.
6. We can learn that we can have to ...
          a. Show our loves to our mother           c. Buy flowers for our mother
          b. Keep our mother’s alives                   d. Obey to our mother
7. What  did the man do after buying the girl a red rose?
          a. He gave her a ride to her house                          c. He went to his own house
          b. He took the girl to her mother’s cemetery          d. He placed the rose on his mother’s grave
8. The main Idea of the first paragraph is ...
          a. A sad girl was thinking of her mother                        c. A girl needed a man to deliver
          b. A man helped  a girl by buying her a flower              d. A man bought a flower for a girl

Read the story before you answere the question!
        The following text is for questions  9 to 10
                                                                               “A  BAD DAY’’
                               One day, a boy got up with the felling that the day was going to be unlucky day for him. He found that it was already 6.50 a.m., he rushed into the bathroom. In a hurry he did not see a piece of  soap lying on the floor, he stepped on it and slipped.
                               Then, he went into the dining  room  for his breakfast. He gulped down the tea without relaizing that it was very hot, so it burned his tongue. He got dressed and rushed to the bus stop. Unfortunately, he just missed the bus. His heart  sank and knew  that he would be late for school, and his teacher would be angry with him again.
      9. “He gulped down the tea without  relaizing that it was very hot, ...”
                The word it refres to ...”
            a. The tongue                 c. The toast
            b. The tea                       d. The coffee
     10. What happened with the boy when he got his breakfast?
             a. His breakfast  is not ready.              c. He burned his toast.
             b. He  did not prepare it.                      d. He hurt his tongue.
Kunci jawaban dan pembahasan
  1.  D    6. A
  2.  B    7. B
  3.  C    8. B
  4.  C    9. B
  5.  A    10. D
1.Menurut cerita pada soal  menunjukan bahwa ketika air dari pohon besar keluar Sunan Kalijaga ada di balik bukit
     bukti kalimatnya yaitu : “You must  inform me when the water comes out. I will be behind that hill.” jadi jawaban yang benar adalah D.
2.      Menurut cerita pada soal menunjukan bahwa  Ki Rangga dan  para pembantunya menjadi kura-kura karena mereka lupa pesan Sunan Kalijaga. Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah  B dengan bukti kalimatnya yaitu: “ You forgot my massage to inform me when  the water  comes out. Instead, you are playing in the water like a turtle.”
3.    Formed= membentuk, jadi kata yang  artinya sama adalah  brought about.
          Sedangkan  - Turned  into=  mengubah
                              - Took a way= membawa
                              -  Looked after= merawat               Jadi jawabanya= C
 4.    Yang dapat kita pelajari dari cerita tersebut  adalah  jangan melanggar janji (Don’t Break Your Promise). Ini dinyatakan dalam paragraf terakhir.  Jawaban: C
5.    Menurut cerita tersebut yang bermain air adalah Ki Rangga dan para pembantunya jadi jawaban yang benar adalah ( Ki Rangga and His servants.)       Jawaban: A
6.      Dari bacaan kita bisa belajar untuk menunjukkan cinta kepada  ibu  (Show our loves to our mothers). Jawaban tersebut dapat dilihat pada paragraf kedua baris ke-4 “... the man relaized that he must show his love to his mother while she was alive.”
7.  Menurut  cerita tersebut, setelah memberikan gadis itu setangkai mawar. Laki-laki tersebut menghantarkan gadis tersebut ke makam ibunya  (He took the girl to her mother’s  cemetery.) Dijelaskan dalam paragraf kedua baris kedua. “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother. She directed him to a cemetery.” Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah B
 8.     Gagasan utama pada paragraf pertama adalah seorang laki-laki membantu seorang gadis kecil dengan membelikan setangkai bunga mawar. ( a man helped a girl by buying  her a flower). Dijelaskan pada baris ke-6 “I’ll buy  you  a  rose”
          Jawaban= B
9.Pada soal ini menanyakan “it” pada kalimat “He gulped down the tea without relaizing that it was very hot....” Maksud dari kalimat ini adalah “Dia menengguk tehnya tanpa menyadari sebelumnya bahwa itu sangat panas.” Dengan demikian kita bisa tau bahwa “itu” atau “it” merujuk pada “the tea”. Selain itu kita juga bisa langsung tau jawabanya tanpa mengetahui arti kalimatnya dengan melihat kata benda terdekat di depan kata “it” yakni kata “the tea” sehingga jawabanya B, “the tea”
10. Soal nomor 29 menanyakan apa yang terjadi pada bocah laki-laki itu ketika sarapan. Dengan membaca kalimat “He gulped down the tea without relaizing that it was very hot, so it burned his tongue” pada teks tersebut jawaban yang benar adalah D
          Jawaban: D





 Hello, friends how are you today?
 I hope you  are fine :)
Okey friends, Last months  my teacher gave me homework to write about my dream. Now I have written it on my blog I hope that you will read my dream, if I have mistake in the structure of english language you can give commant and the sollution on my blog, in order I will know my mistake and I will study from my mistake to be better. I am just human being, in  this world No body is perfect.
Okey, friends let's see my dream on my blog ! :) ;) ;) :)

                                                                        MY DREAM

                We are human being, of course we have dream. I am sure all of people in this world want to be succesfull. How can we will be succesfull? Actually, if we want to be spirit, I am sure we will get our future. If we are lazy, I am sure we will not get our future, it is fact.We must study from our mistake to be succesfull. If we don't want to study from our mistake, how can we will be succesfull? So if we have mistake we may not be shy, but we must study from our mistake to be better, because in this world No body is perfect.
                  I have dreams, my dream are I want to be a police, I want to make my parents be happy, I want to run the world, I want to be a succes people, I want to be a bussnies man, and also I want to be a entrepreneurs.I want to be a police, because I want to keep our country in order our country will be more comfourt, and there is no robber.
                 If  I am succes I want to make my parents  happy, because they are everything for me. I want to buy a big house for my parents. I am sure I can get my future if I study hard. I want to build Oil Factory  in my country especially in my town. My town is Blora, Blora is a small town in the central of java. In blora there are many kinds of culture. 
               Blora town has many natural resources the example are: Teak trees, limestone mountains, sand, brick etc, most of them is oil. Now,  Oil Factory is built in Cepu district. I hope that I will make Oil Factory at Blora town, because I want to improve the economical in blora. I want to the society use the natural resources well. I will build Oil Factory at 2040 in Cabak village and I will make the society in near of my factory will be succesfull. I will build my factory covering an area of  40 acres. I will repair the road to access economical activity in there. I will decrease the jobless in blora town. In my oil factory, I will give good facility the example are: I will build a hospital for my workes and the society in blora town, I will build a school for the society in near of my factory, it names Merdeka School.
             If I am succesfull in my oil factory, I'll build a english course in my town, because I want to improve the society in order they can have english language skills for looking for a job. English language is very important to look for a job. Actually when I was twelve years old. I studied at Muhammadiyah Elementary School. At that moment I did'nt like english lesson, but now when I am fourthteen years old and I am studying in Junior High School Two Of Blora, I like english lesson so much, because I think english is exiciting for me. When I was eight grade I followed english course in order I would be able to speak english, because I wanted to speak english, and now after I graduated from english course alhamdullilah I can speak english, so I am very happy. I hope that my knowledge can be usefull for all of people in this world. I want to build an english course. I want to give my knowledge to someone who needs my knowledge, and I will give all of my knowledge to them in order they will be able to speak english and they will be able to be succesfull amin amin. I want to give the name of my english course "CEC" (Creative English Course) I will name it, because I want to make the students will be creative. I am sure if we want to try little by little to speak english with our parents, our teachers, our friends, and the other of course we will be able to speak english well, because if we want to practice it, so we will know our mistake, and we will be able to study about it together. We must be confidence, and brave to get our future as well as possible. (Study hard to get our future. Do the best to get the best. Today must be better than yesterday and tomorrow must be better than today.) It is my motivation to be succesfull, I hope that my motivation will be usefull for all of people in this world. We are human being, if we have been clever and smart we may not be arrogant and stingy to give our knowledge to someone in order our knowledge will be usefull to all of people in this world amin amin amin yarobbalallamin.






“The True Love”
                     Once upon a time, there was a village in the middle of the forest. The name of the village was Suka Maju. The boy who had an interesting kingdom lived there. His name was Joko.
                          He was handsome and tall. Many girls liked him so much, because he was rich. He did not have girl friend. He was looking for a girl who had a loyalty. He had seven body guards.
                     One day, when he took a walk with his body guards in the middle of the forest. Suddenly, he met a girl. She was beautiful and kind, but she was poor. Then, he spoke to her. They were falling in love.  
       “What is your name?”
       “My name is Siti, and you?”
       “Ouh... it sounds beautiful, my name is Joko.”
      “Thank you very much, by the way where do you live?”
       “I live in Suka Maju village, and you?
       “I live in Sendanng village.”
        “Mmm.. yeah, nice to meet you.”
        “Nice to meet you too, see you next time.”
        “See you too”
                      Two days later, he held a competion to look for his love. At that moment, many girls followed the competion. Then, he selected one by one. Two hours later, he found a girl whom he loved. She was so beautiful and kind. Then he spoke to her.
         “Hi, what is your name?, have we met before?”
         “Yeah, Sir. My name is Siti. Are you Mr. Joko?”
         “Yes, of course. I still remember you when the first I met you.”
         “Yes, sir I do too.”
         “My I say something to you?”                                                                  
         “Okey, what will you say to me, Sir?”
         “I want to say that I love you so much. Actually, when the first I met you I was falling in love to you.”
          “Are you sure?”
          “Absolutaly, I love you so much.”
          “Can you give me appendic that you are really love me so much?”
          “How can I give you appendic?”
          “The method you must go to in the top of Merapi Mountain.”
          “What must I do in there?”
         “You must take a flower which is beautiful and fragant. I will give you time two days for taking the flower.”
         “Of course I can.

             At the same moment, another girl who loved him so much, Suminah knew that he had found his love. Then, she hated Siti. Suminah wanted to distrub their love
             The next day, Joko went to in the top of Merapi mountain with his body guards. On the way, Joko got a little accident, because he did not know that in front of him there was a hole. He was sick, but his struggle never give up to get his true love. Then, They continued their trip for taking the flower in the top of Merapi mountain.
               After, he got the flower he went to Siti's house. He spoke to her.
       “Siti, now I have got the flower. I reached it with my struggle,so do you want to become my girl friend?”
      “Mmm, yeah I want to become your girl friend, because you have fight for your love to me, thank you I love you.”
      “I love you too, Siti.”
                One day, when Joko and Siti would marry. Suminah wanted to shoot Siti in order Siti would not marry Joko. At the same moment Suminah would shoot Siti, the body guards knew. Then, Suminah was caught by the body guards.
            Finally, Mira and Richard got married. They lived happilly in the interesting kingdom.